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San Benito, CA’s Tree Trimming & Shaping Experts

Carrillo Tree Service has over 25 years of combined experience and in-depth expertise going into all our tree care services. We offer customers in beautiful locations like Santa Clara County, Santa Cruz County, Monterey County, and San Benito, CA skillful tree trimming and shaping to keep their giant plant life healthy and beautiful. It’s important to let a professional perform this service. We carry out the process quickly and safely to respect your trees, property, and schedule.

Garden saw for cutting branches of cherry bush overgrown with lichen. Pruning of fruit trees with lopper. Spring or autumn work in garden

Benefits of Trimming & Shaping Your Trees

Tree trimming and shaping is an essential service every property owner should take advantage of. Carrillo Tree Service proudly provides our customers with timely, high-quality work because we understand the many reasons to perform this service. We’ve described some of the benefits of trimming and shaping your trees.

Keeps Your Trees Healthy

Tree trimming lets us remove a tree’s damaged branches, including those inflicted with diseases. Removing these branches prevents those diseases from spreading to other areas of a tree. Additionally, strong and healthy branches can grow in place of any smaller, unhealthy ones.

Improve Their Visual Appeal

As trees grow, they have some branches growing in lower areas while others reach into higher areas. Trees may develop low aesthetic value because of this irregular branch growth. Trimming and shaping your trees helps them maintain a nice shape that’s more visually appealing.

Detect Tree Problems

While trimming your trees, the process gives us a chance to detect any diseases affecting your trees’ health and eat them up. Through early detection, you can report disease in your trees to a specialist, who can treat it early and prevent it from spreading throughout a tree’s body.

Prevent Damage

Trees need regular trimming and shaping that depends on where they grow on your property. If you have a tree growing next to your pool or garage, not trimming it can result in significant damage to that structure. We keep your tree’s growth from pressing into siding, windows, and other valuable features of your home or property.

Increase Sunlight and Airflow

Besides preventing damage and disease and keeping branches from ruining your property’s structures, trimming and shaping improve a tree’s overall condition. Regular trimming increases sunlight exposure and improves air circulation within the tree branches and underneath them.

Residents Rely on Carrillo Tree Service

Carrillo Tree Service is ready to keep your trees looking their best while staying healthy. The benefits of tree trimming and shaping make it an invaluable service, improving your property’s appearance, safety, and comfort.

Get Exceptional Care With Our Professional Tree Services