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Tree Removal in Santa Clara County, CA

As highly trained and experienced tree care experts, Carrillo Tree Service is well-versed in our customers’ tree service needs in San Benito, Monterey County, Santa Cruz County, and Santa Clara County, CA. Tree removal is a significant project requiring special expertise in disassembling the branches, limbs, and trunk. Trying to do it yourself is dangerous and puts your property at risk. With our team’s seasoned and skillful expertise, we provide careful and timely service to remove trees from your home or business. We are ready to serve you whenever you have a tree posing a threat to your safety, comfort, or surrounding trees’ health and growth.

climber with hard hat on

Trust Carrillo Tree Service With Your Trees

Carrillo Tree Service looks forward to serving your tree care needs, including careful tree removal. We have over 25 years of combined experience to back our comprehensive knowledge and skills.

Reasons to Remove a Tree From Your Property

At Carrillo Tree Service, we’ve seen many situations requiring tree removal at a property. Some trees might have a disease, while others have intrusive branches affecting visibility or threatening a structure. Whatever reason you have to remove a tree, we work safely and efficiently to get rid of it. Some typical reasons for tree removal include the following:

  • Your tree might be crowding nicer trees and affecting their growth and access to sunlight.
  • Limb or treetop failure can be so significant that it compromises a tree’s overall health or structure. Some trees can survive a failure like this, but tree top or limb failure is a common reason trees must come down.
  • A disease or pest infestation might be abatable, but sometimes, the infection or pest infestation spreads too widely to salvage your tree. One of these problems might significantly compromise a tree’s health to the point there’s no way it can recover.
  • You might have view issues because a tree’s branches and foliage block your windows, front porch, or any other accessible view.
  • A tree’s proximity to your hardscapes or home can require its removal. People often plant young trees too close to sidewalks, homes, and other hardscapes without thinking about the trees’ future sizes. Sometimes, we can trim or prune a tree to limit its intrusion on these property features, but in many cases, we cannot trim a tree in this scenario without affecting its structure or health.

Get Exceptional Care With Our Professional Tree Services