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Emergency Tree Removal by Carrillo Tree Service

While trees are a beautiful feature at homes and businesses that provide shade and oxygen, some trees can be dangerous due to various conditions. Carrillo Tree Service has ample experience with compromised trees and offers emergency tree removal in Monterey County, Santa Clara County, Santa Cruz County, and San Benito, CA. Our tree experts can evaluate the damage, disease, and other problems and remove your tree quickly and safely.

Storm damage

Reasons to Remove a Tree Immediately

Carrillo Tree Service has removed trees posing a risk to property owners because of problems like disease, substantial damage, and their location. Some common reasons for emergency tree removal include the following:

Disease or Decay

Having a diseased or decaying tree on your property can endanger the health of any remaining plants. The disease can spread to other plants, and decay compromises their well-being. The longer you leave it, the worse your tree will get, attracting pests like termites and carpenter ants. These pests can migrate into your home and cause even more problems.

Storm Damage

Sometimes, a storm’s damaging elements like torrential rain and heavy winds can damage a tree beyond saving. Irreparable damage compromises your tree, making it prone to additional damage over time that puts your safety at risk. Partial uprooting, cracks, and other damage can lead to falling limbs or the tree itself, landing on cars, homes, and people.

Frequently Lost Branches

Trees can lose their branches because of root causes additional to storms. For instance, high humidity can weaken a tree’s structure and make it vulnerable to limb failure. Dry conditions can switch your tree to its natural survival mechanism and drop its branches. If your tree frequently loses branches, it may be a clear sign of a severe underlying issue.

Cracks and Structural Damage

A tree’s trunk is its main support system. When structural damage like cracks compromises a tree, there’s a chance it can fall. A tree’s fluctuating growth conditions, sunscald, and heart rot is factors affecting its stability. Cracks in the trunk, falling branches, and mushrooms growing on brittle bark are signs we may need to remove your tree.

Inconvenient or Dangerous Placement

Location is an important factor with trees. If they grow too close to utility lines, your home, or another structure, the roots and branches pose a risk to it. For instance, tree roots can upheave pavement, sidewalks, or your driveway. A leaning tree poses a potential threat because it may be at risk of falling over.

Get Exceptional Care With Our Professional Tree Services