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Cabling & Bracing San Benito, CA’s Trees

Sometimes, a tree will have weak structural integrity and pose a threat to your property and the people on it. Failing limbs or a falling tree can land on your care, house, or loved ones spending time outside. These trees may not survive a storm’s high winds and torrential rain, causing damage to their structures and anything near them. Carrillo Tree Service can help you secure your trees and ensure your safety in Santa Clara County, Monterey County, Santa Cruz County, and San Benito, CA. Our cabling and bracing services provide essential support to trees with weakened structures to help them withstand wind, weather, and other possible threats. We work quickly and carefully to put these measurements in place before rain, wind, or gravity results in broken limbs and damaged property.

Man cutting branches on tree in the process of removing entire tree.

What Tree Cabling & Bracing Services Entail

Carrillo Tree Service wants you to stay informed on any tree services we provide you, along with our commitment to safe and timely work. Cabling and bracing involve placing cables and brace rods in a tree as supplemental structural supports. These supportive tools reduce the risk of tree branches and multiple stems failing. The cables are typically made with extra-high-strength steel, and we attach them to the tree’s upper crown using bolts. We intend to limit the supported branches’ movement with these cables so they’re less likely to fail when a storm hits. Braces are thread rods we install through weak branches and multiple stem unions, providing a rigid support to withstand violent weather’s twisting forces. We perform cabling and bracing to meet industry standards and support your tree to reduce the chance of limbs and branches falling, breaking, and falling.

Carrillo Tree Service Is Ready to Respond

If you have a tree with weakened structural integrity in the branches or multiple stems, Carrillo Tree Service is ready to put measures in place to support your tree and protect your property. Our company has over 25 years of combined experience maintaining, removing, and reinforcing trees for residential and commercial customers. We make your safety and satisfaction our top priorities in every service we offer. With cabling and bracing, we supplement your tree’s structural support to ensure a storm’s wind and rain don’t lead to falling branches and damaged property. Let our tree experts put our extensive knowledge and versatile skillset to work for your benefit.

Get Exceptional Care With Our Professional Tree Services