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Carrillo Tree Service Gets Rid of Your Stump

Every time you remove a tree from your property, you have an ugly stump to deal with. This hunk of leftover wood can be problematic, wrecking your mower blade and posing a risk to children playing in your yard. Carrillo Tree Service has over 25 years of combined experience providing tree services to customers in San Benito, Santa Cruz County, Monterey County, and Santa Clara County, CA. We offer stump grinding as a quick and effective way to get rid of a stump after losing a tree. You might also have a stump on your property that’s been there for years. It doesn’t matter how old the stump is or where it is in your yard. Our highly trained tree experts can resolve the issue as a follow-up service to tree removal or whenever you decide to take care of a pesky tree stump.

Machine Removing a Stump from Cut Down Tree

What Is Stump Grinding?

After removing a tree from a property, a stump is left behind that sticks about six to 12 inches above the ground. We address this nuisance with a self-propelled machine to grind down the stump below ground level. After finishing, the stumps will be about four to six inches below ground and no longer a tripping hazard or threat to your lawnmower. The stump grinding process produces wood chips we leave behind to fill the hole where the stump used to be. Upon request, we can remove the wood chips. This service pairs well with our tree removal services, saving you time and hassle by eliminating the stump before it becomes a problem and eyesore. We carry out the process quickly while preserving the surrounding plant life and property features as much as possible.

Santa Clara County, CA’s Experienced Resource

With our decades of experience, Carrillo Tree Service has a versatile skillset and expansive knowledge about native and foreign trees found at residential and commercial properties. We proudly serve customers with a broad range of tree care needs, including trimming, shaping, cabling, and bracing. When we remove a tree from your property, stump removal is one of the best actions to take to prevent a remaining stump from becoming a nuisance and risk to your family. We work quickly to grind your stump into wood chips so that you can enjoy your time outside safely and improve your yard’s aesthetic appeal. You can trust our expertise and commitment to an exceptional customer experience.

Get Exceptional Care With Our Professional Tree Services