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Expert Hedge, Bush, & Ornamental Trimming & Shaping

Carrillo Tree Service has ample experience with various types of plant life our customers grow on their properties. While trees are a primary focus of our business, we also specialize in hedge, bush, and ornamental trimming and shaping. Customers in Santa Cruz County, Monterey County, Santa Clara County, and San Benito, CA count on us to provide high-quality, timely service with stellar results. We offer to trim and shape because we understand its importance to your plant life’s growth, health, and appearance.

Man cutting tall tree's branches

Details About Trimming & Shaping Benefits

Letting your hedge, bushes, and ornamental growths grow wild can create problems like tripping hazards, visibility issues, and an off-putting look to your property. Carrillo Tree Service offers our trimming and shaping services for these landscape features to ensure your home’s or business’s plant life always looks presentable and stays healthy. You can learn about some of the benefits of trimming and shaping your hedges, bushes, and ornamental plants below:

  • It keeps your plants clean and in an appealing shape, which is especially essential for hedges and bushes.
  • Cutting areas in your plant life promote thicker and fuller growth to fill in these spots.
  • The process controls the size of your plants and prevents growth from getting out of control.
  • Cutting your foliage and branches removes dying, diseased, and stray or irregular branches.
bush trimming

Knowing When to Trim Your Hedges, Bushes, & Shrubs

Knowing when to trim and shape your landscape plant life is not as complicated as many property owners might think. If you intend to prune injured foliage from your shrubs, you generally want to do that in the spring. Trim non-flowering plants after they form completely new growth, typically by late spring or early summer. We recommend shaping your hedges in early summer after it forms new growth. The best time to renovate or renovate to severely reduce plants with substantial growth is in late winter and early spring. Our highly trained plant life experts can assess the specific trimming and shaping your hedges, bushes, and ornamental plants need and schedule regular professional care.

Carrillo Tree Service Helps Santa Cruz County

If you need professional assistance with your hedges, bushes, and ornamental plants, you can trust Carrillo Tree Service’s expert team to trim and shape them. We have over 25 years of combined experience serving residential and commercial customers’ tree and plant service needs. Let our experts keep your plant life in top condition year-round.

Get Exceptional Care With Our Professional Tree Services