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Keeping Monterey County, CA Warm With Firewood Sales

As tree service specialists with over 25 years of experience in the industry, we don’t want leftover lumber to go to waste. Carrillo Tree Service offers residents in San Benito, Santa Clara County, Santa Cruz County, and Monterey Count, CA firewood sales. Our high-quality, seasoned firewood is dry and ready to burn anytime you need to start a fire. The warm glow and dancing flames are essential elements to outdoor bonfires with friends and family or cozying up to your fireplace on a chilly winter evening. We produce our inventory using wood we let dry and cut to convenient sizes. Our firewood is affordable, and we have plenty to sell you to stock up for starlit backyard parties and holiday get-togethers with loved ones.

Trunks of trees cut and stacked in the foreground, green forest in the background with sun rays

Types of Firewood Carrillo Tree Service Offers

Carrillo Tree Service is busy removing, trimming, and shaping trees for residential and commercial customers, giving us insight into what tree types are accessible in our California climate. The most common tree type we handle is oak, which is an excellent firewood choice to burn. However, we use a wide array of tree species to create dry firewood. Whatever type you get to use, we maintain a commitment to quality in our services and seasoned firewood we sell. Our state has a diverse collection of trees, and we utilize quality pieces of lumber that will catch and burn easily. Different woods will burn uniquely, including how much smoke they produce and how long they burn. We can advise you on which woods fit your preferences to ensure you get a fire that lives up to your expectations.

Ready to Provide Dry, Stackable Firewood

One of the benefits of firewood is you can use it whenever you want a fire. Dry wood has no expiration date, so it’s ready to burn immediately or months later when cold weather moves in. Carrillo Tree Service has a substantial inventory of dry, seasoned firewood for sale. We can sell you as much as you need. You can stack it by your garage or shed and grab the logs you need at a moment’s notice. We believe in using wood instead of wasting it, and firewood is a perfect way to ensure this natural resource doesn’t end up in a landfill.

Get Exceptional Care With Our Professional Tree Services