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Santa Cruz County, CA’s Storm Damage Cleanup Pros

While tree services like trimming, shaping, and structural support through cabling and bracing can minimize the impact on your trees during a storm, you might still see substantial damage. A storm’s racing wind and torrential rain can cause lost foliage, broken branches or limbs, and entire fallen trees. Instead of wasting time and potentially getting hurt trying to remove branches and debris yourself, you can turn to Carrillo Tree Service to perform storm damage cleanup. We serve Santa Cruz County, Santa Clara County, Monterey County, and San Benito, CA property owners with a broad range of tree services. Our cleanup services after a storm keep you safe as we resolve damage to your trees and remove the mess.

Trees snapped in half knocking down electric and cable wires from Tropical Storm Isaias in Babylon Village Long Island New York.

Types of Storm Damage to Trees

A violent storm can cause a wide array of damage to your property, including your trees. You might have a lawn covered in fallen branches and foliage, or an entire tree could’ve fallen because of high winds and torrential rain. Tree damage can vary in severity, from a few branches damaged and littering your property to severe cases like limbs and trunks twisted, broken off, and blocking your driveway or causing damage to your home. Some examples of common storm damage include snapped branches, split tree forks, torn tree bark, stem failure, and blow over. A storm’s strong winds can also scatter trees, leaves, and dead branches across your property. These conditions can be hazardous to your car, house, and family, so professional cleanup is necessary to resolve the mess and damage.

Tree broken and fell on the ground

Reasons to Hire Professionals to Clean Up Damage

Trying to clean up plant debris and fallen branches after a storm might seem like a cost-saving idea, but you can easily get injured in the process or cause additional damage to your property. The impact a storm makes can also include extreme situations like a tree branch going through your garage or landing on a vehicle. These cases require professional expertise and assistance to clean up the wreckage and minimize further risks to your property and people occupying it. If you have a fallen tree on your property, Carrillo Tree Service’s experts can safely remove it without additional damage to structures, your landscape, or anyone nearby. We can also examine affected trees to determine if they have weakened structures or need trimming to reduce potential damage during a future storm.

Carrillo Tree Service Works Quickly & Safely

Carrillo Tree Service looks forward to helping you restore your clean property after a storm hits. We perform storm damage cleanup quickly and safely to minimize its impact on your property and schedule.

Get Exceptional Care With Our Professional Tree Services