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Carrillo Tree Service Covers Your Tree Care

Taking care of your property includes keeping your trees and other plant life in top condition to reduce safety hazards and improve your home’s or business’s visual appeal. Carrillo Tree Service specializes in comprehensive tree services in Monterey County, Santa Clara County, Santa Cruz County, and San Benito, CA. Let us maintain your leafy giants with our extensive expertise in tree care.

Arborist cutting branches on tree

Tree Services to Keep Your Property Beautiful

Carrillo Tree Service covers a broad range of essential tree services to keep your property safe and trees healthy and beautiful. We offer all the following options to residential and commercial customers:

Tree Removal

When a tree is dead, sick, or severely damaged, it can be a safety hazard for your family, staff, or property. Our highly trained team carefully and safely removes your tree to eliminate risks to your home or business. We disassemble the branches, limbs, and trunk and then remove them from your property.

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Tree Trimming & Shaping

Trimming and shaping your trees does more than make them look pretty. Having a balanced tree with thoughtfully trimming foliage and branches can keep it healthier and encourage growth. Our tree trimming and shaping services ensure you get a beautiful tree with better airflow while getting rid of branches and growth hindering its wellness.

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Hedge, Bush, Ornamental Trimming & Shaping

If you have ornamental trees, bushes, or hedges on your property, you already know how quickly they can grow out of control and look wild. We offer to trim and shaping services for these plants to give them a naturally appealing shape that complements your property’s appearance and keeps foliage from getting out of control.

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Fruit Tree Pruning

Fruit trees supply your home with fresh produce and beautiful blooming flowers for snacking and visual appeal. Our team of tree experts handles pruning to ensure your fruit trees stay in good health and thrive. A healthy fruit tree can provide your family with delicious snacks for years.

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Emergency Tree Removal

Tree emergencies can happen after a bad storm or whenever a limb has broken and endangers your property and the people on it. If you suddenly need to get rid of a tree, our team responds promptly and works quickly, making our emergency tree removal service an invaluable asset.

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Stump Grinding

After a tree falls or you remove one from your property, an ugly stump may be left. This stump can be a tripping hazard that damages your yard equipment and ruins your lawn’s appearance. With stump grinding, we eliminate the residual trunk section all the way to the ground. You can even plant grass over it to make it a distant memory.

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Cabling & Bracing

Some trees have a poor or weak structure that can lead to falling limbs or branches and potential disease. Cabling and bracing are proactive techniques to prevent these issues by reinforcing the structure. This service reduces stress caused by elements like heavy foliage and high winds.

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Tree Planting & Transplanting

If you need plant life and shade to add comfort and beauty to your lawn, let us improve your outdoor aesthetics with tree planting and transplanting. Trees provide relief from blazing sunlight and natural beauty to your property. We can plant a new tree or transplant an existing one to another location. Our team carefully performs each option to minimize lawn damage and ensure your tree’s survival.

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Get Exceptional Care With Our Professional Tree Services